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🐉Sculpting wings for dragons in Zbrush can be a stressful and slow process, especially when connecting the membrane to the fingers. Not to mention the added difficulty when the fingers flex and the wrist rotates. This pack solves this problem with 7 different base mesh wing poses.

Understanding how a wing moves and behaves is as important as the dragon itself, as they are their most significant limbs. Posing them correctly will add a strong component of realism to your creations.


You can also use these wings as references for your illustrations and concept art.



  • ✔️7 different wing poses that allow you to create plausible wings in every step of the flight process.
  • ✔️Realistic wing posing.
  • ✔️Suitable for dragons, wyverns, demons, vampires, manticores, gargoyles and any kind of winged monster you create. 
  • ✔️Easy, fast and versatile.
  • ✔️The pack contains the so-difficult-to-model folded wing, so you don't have to spend time folding the wings of your dragon.
  • ✔️ZTL and IMM brush available.
  • ✔️These wings are thick enough to be safely printed on resin.
  • ❌This pack contains 7 different poses of the same wing type, not 7 different wing types.
  • ❌Wings are not rigged, they are designed for Zbrush sculpting only.
  • ❌The wings in this pack are not saturated with detail because:
  • ✔️Their plain detail along with multiple subdivision levels of the ZTL is intended to let you deform and modify them at will, to best match your creatures.



For the IMM brush:

1. Unzip the file.

2. Open your Zbrush brushes folder, usually:

    👉C:\Program files\Pixologic\Zbrush\ZStartup\BrushPresets

3. Drop there the DragoliscoWingsIMM.zbp and DragoliscoWingsIMMGIFT.zbp files.

4. Open your Zbrush and select them from your brushes pannel. 


⛔️The reproduction and sale of this pack in any platform or by any way, for anyone except its creator (Juan Arrabal, a.k.a Dragolisco) is not allowed in any form. Dragolisco (me), the creator and author, holds the rights of sale and reproduction of the present pack.

7 wing poses for Dragons

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    Dragolisco is a small dragon business run by Juan Arrabal, an independent fantasy artist specialized in dragons. Discover more here.

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